What Attract Paper Wasps?
Many people are fascinated by paper wasps and find them quite fascinating. In this blog, we will explore in detail what attracts these amazing creatures to paper surfaces. We will also discuss some interesting facts about their natural behaviour. Besides these, you must be aware of residential pest control ideas that can help you to keep bees and wasps away from your home.
Let Us Know Some Interesting Things About Paper Wasps
- Paper wasps are one of the most common and conspicuous insect groups. These wasps search for food and, after finding a source, build their nests. Nests made by paper wasps can be found in various places, usually near entrances or windows where it is warm and protected from rain or wind. Paper wasps are attracted to light and to the sources of food that they will gather and deposit in their nests.
- To find food, paper wasps search for sources of nectar, pollen, or spider eggs. Once they have found a food source, they fly to it and land on the item, using their mouth to extract the food. Once they have collected the food, they travel back to their nest and deposit it.
- If a paper wasp is threatened, it will create a shield around itself with its legs. It will also release a chemical from its body that will make the threatening person or object feel sick.
- Paper wasps have lower eye vision so they can not see most things happening around them. Sometimes, they collide with humans by mistake and sting.
- You may have seen wasps colliding with a running fan and dying.
Now What Attract Paper Wasps
Food options: They are attracted by more food options. They love sweets and sugar products. Other food options are also their points of attraction.
Water source: Water is a basic need for all organisms and paper wasps are no exception. They make nests near a water source. Your handpump, tap, basin or anything like this can be a source of water for paper wasps.
Nest material: Everyone wants to make a strong home and paper wasps have the same philosophy. They see places around to find nest material and target a nearby safe place for their nests.
Roof lines: Yes, roof lines are the best place for them to make nests and live safely. Most homes have roof lines at a height that humans can not reach easily and paper wasps think them to be safe for living.
Gaps in the wall: Gaps in the wall are target sites of wasps for making nests. We have seen that 80-85% of nests are found in the roof gap or wall gap.
Threats By Wasps: Data From CDC
Each year, wasps take over outdoor spaces throughout the country, including the Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne lakes and Bay area, making them difficult or impossible for people to use.
Plus, wasps can be dangerous. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were 1,109 deaths from hornets, wasps, and bee stings between 2000–2017 or an annual average of 62 deaths worldwide.
You learnt about paper wasps and the threats they can cause. If you need to eliminate them, you must not forget any of these facts and threats. You should call bee and wasp removal experts to get rid of wasps.
Read More: Control Of Spiders In And Around The Home.